
Posts Tagged ‘work from home’

Is Network Marketing or Referral Marketing For You?

In Affiliate Program, Business, Earn Free Gold, Financial Freedom, International Business, Real Money on April 8, 2015 at 7:13 pm

Let’s do a process together to answer this question.

How did you get to where you are in your life?

I became an RN by getting education. Even though I have a made a living there were many times I worked

2-3 jobs to support my daughter.

Had I known that I could supplement my income without being gone all the time, well, I might have made that choice.

So, in evaluating whether Network Marketing might be for you, the first thought would be where am I?

Are you earning the money you are worth?

Or do you need or want to earn more money?

Oprah said on one of her shows, that there are millions of single parents in the United States earning $14,000 or less.

However, as a parent, there is the need to be home with their children.

What do you like about your current job?

What do you dislike about your current job?

Have you ever worked from your home?

Would you like to replace your current income or supplement your current income?

What kind of income would you like to generate over the next 12 months?

Do you have a little capital to put into a business?

Are you willing to take some training to learn how to do networking?

If you wanted to be a doctor, you would go to school for at least 7-10 years to learn the skills you needed to pass the test to be a doctor.

Well, in starting a business, you will need to learn some skills to run a home based business.

How serious are you about building a business? In a networking business you need 3 main qualities,

1.Be a team player

2.Self motivation


Do you feel you have these qualities?

If you bought a franchise of any business, you would have to pay the franchise fee, plus supplies, plus hire people and then run that business or pay someone else to run that business. I think you would agree that the start up cost would be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In a Network Marketing or Referral Based Business, you may pay a small start up fee, but some supplies and go to work.

This makes it a more attainable goal for more people.

Do you want to earn money fast or slow? Most people would say fast!!!! If you could earn $8,400 per month in less than 5 months, would that make your life easier?

Would you like to earn as much as you want? Based on work ethic, this is possible in Network Marketing!!!

Now, look at your life, are you living the dreams you had when you started in the work place?

If you have children, are you able to provide what you want them to have?

Are you able to do the activities in life that bring you joy? If not, you may want to consider learning the skills to run your own business from home. Having more free time to enjoy with family, friends and doing the activities you enjoy, is such a value. Plus, building the lifestyle you always wanted, is very rewarding.

I have a friend, that had to work from home, cause he was hurt in a car wreck. About a month ago, he called me and said, I am comfortably earning $15,000 per month in less than one year in his business. He told me, with my income, I am able to get better health care, and my wife is taken care of, no matter what happens to me. He touched my heart with those statements.

Do you want to build generational wealth? The kind that will take care of your family long after you gone.

I have taken on the motto of Business Building for each member of the team. This means that those people I interview, that answer the questions yes, I want them to be a part of my team. Then, I go to work with them to build their business.

It’s really crazy to try and drag people over the finish line. But, those that have the dream of Big Money and More Free Time, I want them on my team.

Yes, it takes learning new skills, if you don’t already have them.

Yes, it takes a good work ethic.

Yes, it is worth it to have leveraged income, where the team is working for and with you.

So, for me the answer is yes, Network or Referral marketing is for me. Is if for you? Depends on what you want in life!!!

As T. Harv Ecker says: “A Wealthy Warrior Will Do Whatever It Takes!”

A business that takes a whole lot less time away from your family, only seems logical!!!

Let me know what you think!!! Maybe, someday I will be working with you!!!

Why I Am Committed To Legacy For Life And I-26!!!

In Health and Wellness, Immune System Balance, Network Marketing, Whole Food Supplement on February 28, 2012 at 5:18 pm

This question has been asked of me, the answer is simple: I-26 saved my life!!!

By reading this blog, you will know my story!!!

In 1994, I began having medical problems. These symptoms included chest pain, elevated cholesterol, breast lumps and extreme fatigue.

I went the traditional route I scheduled a doctor’s appointment. I was told had an abnormal EKG, which sent me off to a cardiologist. I had breast lumps which indicated I needed a mammogram.
I was told by the radiologist I might have breast cancer.

After 6 weeks of testing, mourning, and $1000 in copays, It was determined I was over stressed.

Well, I was running a Home Health Agency, no wonder I was stressed!!! But, after that 6 weeks of pure misery I was still not any better.

My cardiologist wanted me to throw my beeper in the river and quit my job!!! Now, who was going to pay my bills and take care of me?

Truthfully, for the next 4 years, I did everything. I changed my life style, took vitamins, quit using artificial sweeteners, but I didn’t get better. So, finally I did give up my job. Reduced my work hours to 4 hours per day, but my fatigue just got worse.

In 2001, I had taken a part time job at a hospital as an RN staff nurse. I had been lifting patients my whole life. But one particular day, I slipped a disc and was down for two weeks. I saw one chiropractor he couldn’t help. I saw a second chiropractor who actually helped me but, had to quit my Nursing job.

The general consensus was my Immune system was failing and it was affecting my spine. I asked, ” So what do I do about this?” No one had an answer!!!

Fortunately, I had a persistent friend who had called me about 3 times to tell about I-26. I was a doubting person!!! After all, I am an RN and had taken care of patients 25 years. But, I was at the end of my rope, my body was failing me.

So, just on pure faith, I ordered everything Legacy for Life had to offer. I started on the Immune Support shake on Sept. 7, 2001. As recommended, I started slow, built up to full regimen using 1 serving of Immune Support and 1 serving of I-26 powder. I held at that regimen for 16 days. On the 16th day, my energy changed and I was out cleaning the siding on my house. Since, that day, my health has improved drastically. I live a full life, without fatigue, without medicine.

Now, I believe Health is Wealth!!! That is why I am committed to Legacy for Life!!!

If you want to know what Legacy for Life can do for you, then go to the following website to see: