
Posts Tagged ‘home based business’

Middle Class Believes Hard Work Creates Wealth!

In Network Marketing on November 18, 2015 at 4:04 am


In chapter 3 of “How Rich People Think”, Steve Siebold knocks it out of the park.

So many people will never read this book, so I am choosing to use the chapter just as it is written.

Chapter 3

If hard work was the secret to financial success, every construction worker and cocktail waitress would be rich.

The wealthy strategically focus their efforts on the most profitable areas of their business while leveraging their contacts, credibility and resources to maximize the results of every action they take.

World-class performers work hard, but not in the traditional sense. Hard work to the wealthy means out thinking their competitors and leveraging the collective brainpower of their advisors.

The middle class sees hard work as a badge of honor.

While one group is mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day, the other is fresh and excited about thinking of new solutions and ideas that will keep the first group employed. As a result, the middle class lives paycheck to paycheck and the world class lives without limits.

The only real difference lies in their approach and ability to use leverage in place of linear effort.

The average person is playing life’s proverbial slot machine, while the wealthy own the slot machines. The beauty of living in a capitalistic society is that anyone in the middle class is free to make the necessary changes in their thinking to capitalize on the concept. Most people won’t do it because they are either unaware of how they can think differently or don’t believe it’s possible. Either way the wealthy will continue to amass fortunes while the masses sit on the sidelines worrying about how to pay their bills.

End of Chapter 3

It is possible for you to start right here and learn a new way!!!

5 minutes of this recording will determine your level of interest!!!


If you have any interest start exploring your options!!!

Learn how to use leveraging to increase your income!!!

Did you know that in the last Presidential election references were made that the middle class was around $150,000 per year. So, where does that leave the rest of us?

I have made my choice to learn what it takes to leverage my income, be in the way of the movement of money, and attain wealth!!! What are you going to do?

“People with leverage have dominance over people with less leverage. In other words, just as humans gained advantages over animals by creating leveraged tools, similarly, humans who use these tools of leverage have more power over humans that do not. Saying it more simply: “leverage is power.” ——-Robert Kiyosaki

If I Can Show You A Way To Double Your Income in 12 weeks, would you take a look?

In Affiliate Program, Business, Buy Gold, Dream Income, Earn Free Gold, Financial Freedom, Freedom, Freedom from banks, Home Based Business, Income, International Business, Lifestyle, MLM, Money, Multimillion Dollar Business, Network Marketing, Opportunity, Real Money, Tax Advantages, Women In Business, Work At Home on June 29, 2014 at 10:43 pm

If I can show you a way to raise your income, wouldn’t that be worth looking at!!!
Go and listen to video, about 10 minutes of your time. Then, if we spark your interest, click the training tab and listen to TY Best!!!

Take 3 minutes and just listen to what is being said about how people can help our economy and earn FREE GOLD!!!!


Then, I invite you to plug into a team system.
Don’t wait register, get your free account and your free website.

Then, we go to work for you!!!! And I need to talk to you!!!

Listen to the replay of our power call!!!
1-712-432-0990 access code 102288#

Phenomenal Opportunity!!!! Act Now!!!!

In Health and Wellness, Home Based Business, Immune System Balance, Lifestyle, MLM, Money, Network Marketing, Network Marketing, Pet Health, Pet supplements, Sports Performance, Tax Advantages, Whole Food Supplement, Women In Business, Work At Home on January 19, 2013 at 8:18 pm

If I can show you a way to start your own business and get free product would you at least take a look?

This is year dawned with some disheartening news, when my significant other got his paycheck and it was $70 short.   Meaning we will lose $210 per month in income, because of extra federal withholdings.  Fortunately, I own my own Independent Distributorship with Legacy for Life.   Because, owning your own business is the only way you can add more tax deductions. Yes, owning your own business is the only way to get wealthy.

Well, my company made it even more inviting!!! They are offering new distributors a way to get started and get free product, by signing up before Jan 31, 2013.  Those who become a distributor get $1,200 free product in 2013 to resell at total profit.

Here’s the best part of this deal!!! The product we sell is a food supplement that has 10o patents. What does that mean to you as their distributor?  It means that it is exclusive, that you won’t find it at your local store. That no other company is selling it.

Now, marketers know that being better than their competition is what makes the sale. But,  in this case, you are the master of your domain.

The great thing is the product you sell has a 90 day money back guarantee, so if your customer is not happy they can get their money back.

All these things included I must tell you the most important part.

A food supplement that makes your performance better everyday, is unheard of!!!

You can actually improve your lifestyle by telling people how they can be better everyday.

You have to take advantage of this opportunity right away. Now, you are saying oh what could it possibly cost to become a part of such a g:reat opportunity?

Here’s the best part

You can start at $149.95 and with that you get over $100 in product, plus your own websites and a team of support.

Or you can start for $499.95 and get more product with your distributorship. Some people like to have the product right there to sell face to face. Then, with your autoship each month you will get free product to sell for pure profit.

Now, is the time to start your own business with an exclusive product and keep more of your money because of all the tax deductions that come with owning your own business.  If you want to know what you can earn with this  phenomenal opportunity go to and play with the income calculator. It shows just the beginning income not bonuses and it’s totally mind blowing.

You can contact me at my website don’t wait free product for the new distributors goes away January 31, 2013. 

Oh one more thing, When you bring new distributors to the company you as a distributor gets free product if you go to work before January 31, 2013.  Go get started, contact me and I will take you  the rest of the way!!!!







If You Are In Sales!!!

In Uncategorized on July 16, 2012 at 4:19 pm

If you are in sales, wouldn’t you want a product that no one else has and can’t get anywhere else except through you? Does that give you a market edge? Well, of course, it does?

Then, if you have a product, that everyone needs. Then, your target market is way larger than if you sell golf supplies or phone service!!!

If you like to work with animals or atheletes or health and wellness, I have the product that fits!!!

I am look for business partners that have the desire to make money with a product that is exclusive, patented, safe and effective that every animal and person need!!!!

But, most of all anyone can get started even if they don’t have a large investment income. So, start with less than $175, and build an income of 4, 5 or 6 figures. This same business is moving a product that has an open market!!! How could you find a better place to be?

With all these people with health issues and no insurance, for less than $50 a month they can be healthier!!! What better way to reach out to others!!!

So, if you want exclusive marketing rights!!! If you want to increase your income and don’t have a great deal of money to invest!!! You have found the opportunity right in front of you!!!


then call (502) 268-3997

These Recordings Could Change Your Life!!!!

In Uncategorized on July 9, 2012 at 4:38 pm

I am saying nothing else!!!

These recordings could change your life and the lives of people you care about!!!



Then, leave me a message 502-268-3997

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Income!!!!

In Health and Wellness, Home Based Business, Uncategorized on February 4, 2012 at 6:01 pm

If i can show you a Network Marketing Company that is now paying Double Commissions, would you be interested in taking a look?

Now, is the time to decide if you really do want more freedom, more money and better health!!!!

Here’s where you can check me and my business out!!!

1-877-378-0563-About the business

1-888-442-9018-About the products

Then, you are welcome to call me (502) 268-3997

Here’s the deal, double Commissions are being paid through April, 2012. In this economy, where are you going to find an opportunity like that?

I promised to tell the truth!!! So, here is the best I have found yet!!!! Join me and I will work with you!!!