
Archive for the ‘book’ Category

Middle Class Believes Money Is The Root Of Evil…World Class Believes Poverty is the Root of Evil

In Affiliate Program, book, Business, currency grade gold, Financial Freedom, Generational Wealth, Home Based Business, Income, International Business, Karatbars International, leveraged income, Lifestyle, Money, Network Marketing, networking, Opportunity, savings, Tax Advantages, work from home on November 20, 2015 at 6:29 pm

Steve Siebold covers a great issue in his 4th chapter that I do not want to alter!!! It is short and to the point!!! I suggest if you live paycheck to pay check or if inflation is getting the best of you, read “How Rich People Think”, then find a vehicle to change that!!!

The average person has been brainwashed to believe rich people are lucky or dishonest. The biblical passage that states the love of money is the root of all evil has been misquoted by many to say that money itself is the root of all evil. As a result of poor programming and ignorance, the masses are infected with the disease of focusing on lack and limitation regarding money and are uneducated about what it means to be wealthy. The world class know that while having money doesn’t guarantee happiness, it does make your life easier and more enjoyable.


World-class thinkers consciously build beliefs about money that serve thier best interests and help them develop substantial sums. It’s not intelligence or education that holds back the average person from getting rich, it’s the middle-class beliefs around money that keep them struggling to survive in a world of abundance. If you want world-class wealth, copy the beliefs o the wealthy, knowing you will eventually begin to behave based on those beliefs. While the masses are searching for the answer on the outside, the great ones know building wealth starts on the inside. First you build world-class beliefs. Your results will follow your actions. Would you believe it’s that easy? Most people don’t. why not give it a try? What have you got to lose? 5 minute overview of how!!! 707-501-4090.

Now, I don’t expect you to believe me, but I am following great leaders!! Listen to this replay to see how they help us everyday.

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It is my belief from studying T. Harv Ecker that we that are not of indolent mind have a responsibility to be wealthy so we can contribute to those who are not able to care for themselves.

When you are ready to start your new life please contact me through:

Let me ask you, if I can show you a way to start your own business for free, then build it to pay you weekly in amounts that you choose, Isn’t that worth check out?

Your effort can set your Free!!!

“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s hell of an approaching looter.” –Ayn Rand

Action step from Steve Siebold:

Decide to be proud of your ambition, and ignore people whoe tell you wanting to be rich is wrong.


A system to build generational Wealth!!!

“Money Is Power

In Affiliate Program, book, Business, Free, Generational Wealth, gold, leveraged income, Residual Income, savings on November 14, 2015 at 9:29 pm

Steve Siebold talks about the masses trading time for money. This means that most think money is related to time.

He states that the great ones are masters at generating money through ideas that solve problems.

Let’s consider, the paper money we all have is losing value. The problem is it is based on debt.

Mr. Siebold in his book ‘How Rich People Think” states that the masses waste a substantial percentage of their mental energy worrying about money. Since most people think of making money in a linear fashion, they never invest the necessary effort to create high impact solutions, such as earning a leveraged or residual income!!!!!

Mr. Siebold states and I quote,”The truth is, people who educate themselves in this philosophy have the potential to become as wealthy as they wish!!! And while this has been proven again and again, the average person’s refusal to believe this holds them back from ever getting started. This is another reason on the long list of why the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.”

“Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it.”  —Russell Conwell

Today, one of our leaders shared a quote that inspired me.

“A Lion never loses sleep over the opinions of Sheep!!!”

Don’t take anyone’s opinion about creating generational wealth!!!

Do your own research:

Then visit my website to get your free account, earn in cash and free gold!!!! Don’t miss this!!!! Those that get started today will be way ahead of those who wait a year and wish they had!!!!


In book, Business, friendship, people on August 25, 2015 at 7:21 pm

I had an interesting conversation with a Senior Field Energy Consultant for Solar City in Paradise, CA,, the other day.

Ridge shared a story that opened my eyes!!!

He was telling me about a new client that was getting a solar system for his home. There was a discussion about the size of the system and how many solar panels.

The client asked, ” How many panels does my neighbor have?”

The sales representative responded with that number.

The client said, “I want more than he has!!” It made the client feel better to know he was getting more than his neighbor.

This opened my eyes about human nature!!!

We are naturally inclined to WANT MORE!!!

More money, sex, love, friends,cars, houses, time, fun, health or whatever!!!! Wanting more is normal!!

Once we get one thing, then we want more of something else.

Let’s say you have all the material things, then you want someone to share it with.

I am often taken back by all the lonely people in the world. They need more interaction, support , friendship and fun in their life.

I noticed this as my Mother aged, her friends passed away or quit coming. I saw this vibrant woman become bored and lonely. Circumstances came up that provided her with full-time caregivers so she was never alone again.

I observe people retiring too early in their lives. Some thrive, others sit down and die!!! Had they stayed connected their life could have remained Joyful and given them More!!!

I once read a book, “Satan Is Alive and Well On Planet Earth” The basic core of this book was people need a sense of belonging.

98% per cent of the population do not have enough money to choose what they want more of!!!

2% of the population have the money but even some of them cannot find happiness!! These people need more of something!!! I believe it is being connected.

In Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs the basic need of all people is Physiological: Air, food, water, shelter, clothing and sleep.The top of the chart is Self Actualization. But, if the basic needs are not met, well you cannot think about much else.

Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

T. Harv Ecker states we are responsible, if we are not indolent of mind, to give back.  He encourages us to set a goal to be prosperous and give back $100,000 per year to those in need. What a great goal!!

I believe that wanting more of anything can be resolved by learning new skills and applying them. Then, connecting with people who have high ideals and want more of what you want.

In my Massage business, I asked some of my clients, what do you want? The answer astounded me: it was Peace of Mind!!!

I guess the individual has to decide what brings them Peace.

After two great careers, Nursing and Therapeutic Massage, I consulted a career counselor to help me figure out what to do next. His suggestion to me, was broaden my scope. In other words, I had helped all these individuals, now it is time for me to reach out to a more global group. So, I am starting at the base of Maslow’s hierarchy because humans cannot activate their creative spirit if all their basic needs are not met.

Picture my animals at my feet sleeping quietly, at peace. All their basic needs are met. But let them go two days without being fed and see how aggressive they can get.!!!

The next phase of my life is going to be spent helping people network to get the More they want out of life!!!

I am doing this one person at a time, but on a more global level. So, our resource for today, is a man that saved my health by introducing me to a product i26 in 2001. You can still get that product at Buy i26. Ridge helped me a long time ago.

Please share with those you know in California!!! Thank you Ridge Lipovac, Senior Field Energy Consultant-Solar City PC – Solar Open House Post Card.  This guy helped one man have more!!  California residents call Ridge at 530-588-1092 to see if you qualify for Solar to reduce your energy bill!!!

Let’s all help Ridge by sharing this with everyone we know so it gets to California!!!

Now, If you will tell me your story of how you helped one in the comments section. I will write your story so we are constantly networking with each other!!! Tell me how you help!!!